Sally Kelly
Jun 1, 2024

Digital Sprint Vs. Strategic Marathon: Keeping Pace with Innovation

Navigating the New Digital Frontier: Digital Transformation vs. Traditional Strategy The definition of digital transformation has evolved significantly over time.

Digital Sprint Vs. Strategic Marathon: Keeping Pace with Innovation

Sally Kelly
Jun 1, 2024
Digital Strategies

Navigating the New Digital Frontier: Digital Transformation vs. Traditional Strategy The definition of digital transformation has evolved significantly over time.

Initially, it was about transitioning from analog to digital; simply digitizing existing processes and services. As technology advanced, the focus shifted to optimizing digital processes in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs. In 2024, digital transformation is understood as a comprehensive and ongoing process that involves not just the adoption of digital technologies, but a fundamental rethinking of how an organization operates and delivers value. It’s about building a competitive advantage by continuously deploying technology at scale to improve the guest experience and lower costs. This evolution reflects the growing importance of technology in every aspect of business and the need for organizations to be agile and responsive to the constantly changing digital landscape. It is a long-term journey that requires a cultural shift and a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

Both Charles Darwin and Simeon Preston, each from their unique perspectives, expressed a crucial change that we are witnessing in the market today; it isn’t just the technology that is changing, but rather, the technology that is triggering changes within organizations and traditional mindsets. It is a journey that most working professionals today will continue for the rest of their careers, as technology becomes more intertwined with business and constantly changes, pushing
business to change along with it or fall behind.

Digital transformation is constantly changing and adapting, unlike the conventional strategy cycle, which is often seen as following a straight, and serialized path (e.g., think discrete phases like Implementation). While traditional strategies are typically developed with a time-boxed start and end point in mind, digital transformation is a continuous journey with no definitive conclusion. It requires businesses to remain agile, constantly adapting to new technologies and market demands. This ongoing process can clash with the structured phases of traditional strategies, which may not account for the rapid pace of digital change. As a result, organizations wedded to conventional planning may find themselves outpaced by competitors who embrace the fluidity and perpetual motion inherent in digital transformation.

Harmonizing Innovation with Tradition: The Synergy of Blended Strategic Approaches

There is light at the end of the tunnel for those in the hospitality industry, who find that they must embrace both; blending traditional strategy with digital transformation can be achieved harmoniously by leveraging the strengths of each to create a cohesive approach. Traditional strategies provide a solid foundation of proven methods, while digital transformation introduces dynamic capabilities and innovative technologies. The key is to integrate these elements in a way that allows for the agility and continuous improvement of digital processes, while still incorporating the core strategic principles (e.g., think SWOT analysis) that have driven success in the past.

For instance, businesses can use data analytics and digital tools to enhance decision-making within the framework of their existing strategic plans. They can also apply traditional market analysis techniques to digital channels to better understand customer behavior. By doing so, companies can create a strategic blend that is both forward-looking and rooted in established best practices.

This integrated approach ensures that organizations do not have to choose between traditional and digital methods but can instead benefit from their combined value. It’s about finding the right balance and ensuring that each component complements the other to drive growth and innovation. To achieve this strategic blend, hospitality businesses need to adopt both long-term and short-term strategies that align with their digital transformation goals. Long-term strategies involve setting a clear vision, defining the value proposition, identifying the target market, and establishing a competitive advantage. Short-term strategies involve implementing agile processes, testing new ideas, measuring results, and adapting to feedback. Both types of strategies require continuous learning, improvement, collaboration and communication across the organization.

Adopting this holistic strategy, hospitality companies can achieve a rewarding outcome for the company and their guests. They can leverage the power of digital transformation to enhance their operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and brand reputation, while still maintaining their core values and identity. They can also respond to the changing needs and expectations of the market and seize new opportunities for growth and innovation. This is how hospitality businesses
can thrive in the digital age and beyond.

The most successful hospitality businesses are those that can blend traditional charm with digital savvy. For example, a hotel that offers a seamless online booking experience followed by a personalized greeting upon arrival is using both strategies to its advantage. Similarly, a hotel restaurant that uses social media to
share its story and connect with guests while also ensuring that the dining experience is top-notch is another example of this blend at work.

Key Strategy Components for the Hospitality Industry

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: A CRM system can help businesses keep track of guest preferences and history, allowing for personalized service that guests appreciate. It’s a digital tool that supports the traditional value of knowing your customer.
  2. Online Presence and Reputation Management: In today’s digital world, an online presence is crucial. This includes a user-friendly website, active social media profiles and management of online reviews. These digital components support the traditional strategy of reputation building.
  3. Mobile Integration: With smartphones being ubiquitous, mobile check-in and check-out, in-app services and location-based offers can enhance the guest experience. This digital strategy complements the traditional focus on
    convenience and efficiency.
  4. Data Analytics: By analyzing data from various digital touchpoints, hospitality businesses can gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to tailor their services and marketing efforts more effectively.
  5. Personalized Marketing: Using digital tools to create personalized marketing campaigns can make guests feel special and valued, a core tenet of traditional hospitality.
  6. Sustainability Practices: Embracing sustainability is both a traditional value and a modern necessity. Digital tools can help track and show-case a business’s sustainability efforts, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.
  7. Training and Development: Investing in staff training ensures that the traditional values of hospitality are upheld, while also equipping employees with the skills to use digital tools effectively.
  8. Feedback Mechanisms: Digital platforms can provide immediate ways for guests to give feedback, which is invaluable for maintaining the high standards of traditional hospitality.

The hospitality industry stands to benefit greatly from a balanced approach that incorporates both traditional and digital strategies. By doing so, the hospitality industry can offer the timeless appeal of excellent service and personal touch, while also taking advantage of the efficiency and reach that digital tools provide. The key is to identify the components that best align with a particular hotel’s or company’s values and goals, and to implement them in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, the human element that is at the heart of hospitality. This blend not only meets the evolving expectations of guests but also sets the stage for a future where tradition and technology go hand in hand to create the ultimate guest experience.

DAVID CHESTLER is president of ProVision Partners International, Inc., a global hospitality and travel technology consultancy and marketing firm, where Sally Kelly serves as SVP, Advisory Services. The authors can be reached at

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