VENZA Vision ’23 – Product Road Map Q3 2022
VENZA Vision ’23 – Product Road Map Q3 2022
VENZA is excited to announce significant updates to its Product Road Map for Vision ’23. During Q3, VENZA added dozens of product enhancements that deliver on our promise of better defense through better visibility. As part of our yearlong strategic plan, this quarter marks a major advance in VENZA’s industry-leading hospitality-centric data protection and compliance suite.
“This quarter focused on refining VENZA’s core products, adding significant value to items that are central to users’ experiences,” said Barbara Espinosa, Product Manager at VENZA. “Our goal is to deliver programs that continue to improve over time, generating extraordinary and lasting value. With this in mind, we focused on foundational products like VENZA Phishing™ and course materials through our Learning Management System. We also fully understand that even the best products require strong execution, so we invested heavily in new resources that assist our clients with delivery and implementation.”
Highlights of Q3 include:
VENZA added remediation courses to pair with its phishing campaigns, allowing users to quickly mitigate identified vulnerabilities through tailored corrective instruction. The effectiveness of VENZA Phishing™ was also improved with enhanced reporting and resources to mitigate false positives.
Innovative supporting material was developed to support the delivery and use of VENZA’s products. These include new Program Manuals, Feature Guides, Vendor Comparison Guides, and Launch Communications.
PCI DSS v4.0 Content
VENZA is one of fewer than 200 entities worldwide designated as a PCI DSS v4.0 Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). We leveraged our in-house expertise to build a Quick Reference Guide and dedicated Training Summary Module that quickly communicates critical need-to-know information for the coming transition from v3.2.1.
Private LMS Revamps
VENZA offers customized private LMS platforms that allow its customers to design and implement tailored security awareness training programs. All private LMS users received major upgrades that delivered exciting new features. Included among these were:
Redesigned User Interface Live Chat Multi-Language SupportMobile Responsiveness Phishing Manager Data Dashboard
VENZA Proctored Training program, a delivery method for organizations to simultaneously instruct many team members, certified its 10,000th user. Its effectiveness and accessibility continues to improve with language support for Chinese, French, and Portuguese.
And More
These are just a few of the many updates, enhancements, and new products planned for Vision ’23. The Product Road Map is updated regularly as VENZA gathers client feedback throughout the year. Check back often!

VENZA is a leading provider of data protection and compliance solutions for the hospitality industry. With 360-degree visibility, VENZA helps establish proactive risk management that mitigates vulnerabilities, keeping your guests and their data safe. Hospitality’s unique nature demands tailored solutions for critical issues. Drawing on decades of industry experience, VENZA offers a comprehensive suite of security awareness, data protection, and compliance tools designed from the ground-up to fit your needs.
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