VENZA Releases Vision ’23 Product Road Map
VENZA Releases Vision ’23 Product Road Map
Last year, VENZA delivered on its Vision ’22 promise. After months of planning and strategizing, VENZA is excited to announce and release the Product Road Map for Vision '23.
Vision ‘23 is about enhancing product offerings to make them more accessible and user friendly. This yearlong effort includes content and platform translations to multiple languages, ensuring products are responsive to mobile devices, and enhancing platform features such as user and group management.
“Our product development process follows industry best practices and a customer centric approach,” Barbara Espinosa, Product Manager said. “We are continuously gathering internal and external feedback and researching market trends to generate ideas for new product offerings or enhancements to our programs. The Product-Marketing team has already been very busy, and we’re just getting started. We have a very ambitious agenda this year, so be sure to check back regularly.”
Here’s what VENZA has released so far:
3 new phishing campaigns include Donate to Ukraine, Suspicious Russian Login, and Google Docs Comment. These campaigns were carefully researched and designed to imitate relevant real-world attacks.
Policy Templates
VENZA drafted GDPR aligned information security policies that are intended to assist companies with GDPR compliance. 3 of the many policies included are Access Control, Data Protection, and Vulnerability Management.
VENZA released 12 resources for clients to take advantage of.
Phishing Catalog
Because VENZA has created dozens of phishing campaigns designed to imitate real-world tactics and techniques, a full catalog is now available for clients to browse and find the most effective options for their staff and environment.
Cybersecurity Threats Guide
This is a 20-page guide intended to help hospitality stakeholders and decision makers understand the 7 most common threats the industry faces.
Launch Communications
These communication templates are meant to assist corporate or property level POCs and champions to seamlessly roll out each of VENZA’s program components within their entire organization.
Legislation Briefs
These briefs are intended to help decision makers and compliance officers understand the Colorado Privacy Act and the Utah Consumer Privacy Act.
SSL/TLS Certificate One-Pager
This one-pager is intended to help system administrators generate an SSL certificate.
Vendor Security Assessments One-Pager
This one-pager is intended to explain VENZA’s VSA service. If supply-chain or 3rd party vendor risks are a concern, this one-pager will help.
Course Content One-Pagers
These one-pagers are intended to help stakeholders and decision makers understand what VENZA offers on GDPR, PCI DSS, Human Trafficking Awareness, and Sexual Harassment Prevention.
New Support Site
VENZA launched a new support site that enables clients to take full advantage of their VENZA products and services, while providing a central hub for all knowledge related to the PEAK data protection portal.
Training Content and Translations
New Basic Learning Path
By combining the best and most effective portions of legacy content with the creation and design advantages of world-class authoring tools, this new content includes 4 interactive courses that learners will find approachable and instructive, and organizations will find effective and valuable. This new learning path has been translated to Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.
Proctored Training Program
The Customer Success team has implemented an effective and efficient training delivery method that certifies large amounts of team members at once. Sessions are hosted every Wednesday at 10 am and 3 pm (Eastern – GMT-5).
Poster Translations
4 of the most popular information security posters have been translated to Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.
Revamped Webinar Series
In an effort to increase value, VENZA revamped their ongoing webinar series. You’ll see scheduled webinars throughout the year you can register for ahead of time, and increased frequency from quarterly to monthly sessions, offering more options and topics of interest.
Vision ‘22
Last year, VENZA announced a commitment to produce and release an extensive list of program updates as part of their Product Roadmap Vision 2022. They delivered. Vision 2022 updates and enhancements are now available to all VENZA customers.
And More
These are just a few of the dozens of updates, enhancements, and new products planned for Vision ’23. The Product Road Map is updated regularly as VENZA gathers client feedback throughout the year. Be sure to check back often!

VENZA is a leading provider of data protection and compliance solutions for the hospitality industry. With 360-degree visibility, VENZA helps establish proactive risk management that mitigates vulnerabilities, keeping your guests and their data safe. Hospitality’s unique nature demands tailored solutions for critical issues. Drawing on decades of industry experience, VENZA offers a comprehensive suite of security awareness, data protection, and compliance tools designed from the ground-up to fit your needs.
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