VENZA Releases Product Roadmap Updates for Q3 2023
VENZA Releases Product Roadmap Updates for Q3 2023
VENZA, a leading provider of data protection and regulatory compliance tools for the hospitality industry, today announced significant updates to its Product Roadmap as part of Vision ’24.
During the third quarter, the company unveiled major upgrades across its range of products. Its continued innovation in tools for comprehensive security awareness training further extends its position as the pacesetter for hospitality IT protection.
“This quarter, VENZA focused on broadening its resources for ongoing learning interventions and cultural reinforcements,” said Barbara Espinosa, Product Marketing Director at VENZA. “Building a robust commitment to data protection and security throughout an organization cannot be accomplished with single-shot training exercises—it must be cultivated and maintained over time by regularly reminding and teaching your staff about the importance of these issues.”
“With our new wide-spanning offerings, VENZA clients are now better equipped than ever to tackle this challenge,” she added.
Highlights of Q3 include:
Rocky’s Corner
Effective communication is critical to building security awareness. Recognizing this, VENZA released a series of bespoke templates that allow its clients to quickly deploy ongoing messaging about the importance of data protection.
Rocky’s Corner email templates offer the convenience of instant delivery on six essential topics: Phishing, Smishing, Vishing, Social Engineering, Impersonation, and Best Practices.
Elective Courses
VENZA created a series of one-off, standalone courses to supplement its curated security awareness training learning paths. Elective courses give VENZA clients the flexibility to assign individual courses on specific topics as needed, offering next-level customizability.
Built with the same attention to detail and expert knowledge as VENZA's core training programs, each elective course provides comprehensive instruction, real-world scenarios, and actionable insights on critical topics.
Available elective courses include Device Security, Digital Frontiers, Information Security Overview, Phishing 101, Vishing 101, and Smishing 101.
Security Learning Path
The Security Learning Path is a meticulously crafted four-course series designed to assist hotel General Managers during the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) process.
This series, built by VENZA’s expert Security Team, provides a deep dive into the nuances of the SAQ, equipping GMs with the knowledge and tools needed to quickly, efficiently, and effectively complete the steps needed to ensure compliance.
Security Learning Path courses include Introduction to PCI DSS, Introduction to the General Manager Questionnaire (GMQ), Introduction to the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), and Introduction to Vulnerability Scanning.
Best Practices
VENZA added "Best Practices" capstone courses for the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Learning Paths.
Designed for employees who have previously completed VENZA's Security Awareness Training, each course neatly combines the key material from its respective learning path to allow efficient annual recertification.
Each course is offered in English and eight additional languages—Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.
VENZA Shorts provide security awareness "on the go" with mobile-friendly videos, quick messages, and brief assessments. Designed to be completed in under 5 minutes, VENZA Shorts make training accessible for otherwise busy employees.
Available Shorts include Data Protection Regulation Compliance, Pen Testing, and Password Policy.
Legislation Briefs
VENZA maintains a library of Legislation Briefs that cover the latest developments in the field of data privacy law. This quarter, it added a series of briefs to cover every major legislative development in the United States. New briefs include those covering laws in Delaware, Indiana, Florida, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee, and Texas.
Excellence in service is about more than just creating great products—it is also about creating the resources that clients need to effectively deliver them. To this end, VENZA added three new guides: a comprehensive PCI DSS Reference Guide, a Quick Reference Guide for using the VENZA System platform, and a Feature Guide for Pen Testing as a Service (PTaaS).
VENZA continued its Hospitality Webinar Series in Q3 using a revamped quarterly format in 2023. Focusing on Staying Ahead on Compliance, its third webinar discussed changes in data privacy law, as well as regulations covering incident reporting and ransomware payments. It also provided updates on company news and product developments.
And More
These are just a few of the dozens of updates, enhancements, and new products planned for Vision ’24. For full coverage, check out the complete recap on the VENZA website.

VENZA is a leading provider of data protection and compliance solutions for the hospitality industry. With 360-degree visibility, VENZA helps establish proactive risk management that mitigates vulnerabilities, keeping your guests and their data safe. Hospitality’s unique nature demands tailored solutions for critical issues. Drawing on decades of industry experience, VENZA offers a comprehensive suite of security awareness, data protection, and compliance tools designed from the ground-up to fit your needs.
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