VENZA Redesigns eLearning Content Based On User Feedback
VENZA Redesigns eLearning Content Based On User Feedback
The foundation of all high-quality information security programs is security awareness and training. Without it, companies are left stranded on the slopes of a mountain made of risk – specifically, a people-based risk. According to the 2021 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, of the 4,492 breaches analyzed, 85% involved a human element. With cyberattacks spiking, no organization can afford to leave their security and data protection obligations up to luck.
VENZA has spent the last 14 years helping the hospitality industry form and sustain its security foundation by offering a range of elearning content that, when coupled with informative posters, regular phishing simulations, and micro-videos, creates a well-informed and educated workforce. The basic learning path is a critical part of this content and teaches thousands of end-users all over the world about fundamental security and data protection principles and practices. Antony Shaw, Vice President of Training and Quality at Kempinski Hotels said, “The information we need is definitely there,” when speaking about the data protection awareness program they have with VENZA during a Town Hall meeting last year.
“The Product-Marketing team has gone above and beyond with this redesign effort,” Barbara Espinosa, Product Manager, said. “The content is great and in lock step with our other product updates. By including stakeholder feedback in the redesign process, the team was able to improve the graphics style, the user interface and experience, and eliminate content redundancy to ultimately provide a more satisfying and valuable product.”
By combining the best and most effective portions of legacy content with the creation and design advantages of world-class authoring tools, this new content includes 4 interactive courses that learners will find approachable and instructive, and organizations will find effective and valuable. The 4 new courses releasing this quarter are:
- Data Protection Basics which covers data protection principles like policy, classification, handling, retention, disposal, clear desk rules, consequences, and reporting responsibilities.
- Social Engineering which explains why social engineering is so effective, 10 common social engineering techniques, and what can happen when attackers succeed.
- Protecting Payment Card Information which explains what is considered payment card information, the various threats to this kind of data, how to control it, and what an end-user's responsibilities are.
- Protecting Personal Information which explains what is considered personal information, the various threats to this kind of data, the consequences of losing or misusing personal information, how to control it, and what an end-user's responsibilities are.

VENZA is a leading provider of data protection and compliance solutions for the hospitality industry. With 360-degree visibility, VENZA helps establish proactive risk management that mitigates vulnerabilities, keeping your guests and their data safe. Hospitality’s unique nature demands tailored solutions for critical issues. Drawing on decades of industry experience, VENZA offers a comprehensive suite of security awareness, data protection, and compliance tools designed from the ground-up to fit your needs.
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